Everyone has heard the phase “it takes a village”. This could not be more true for your Pi Kappa Phi Properties chapter house. At first glance it may appear that there are just 7 staff members working on the housing operation. In fact, there are so many more caring individuals who keep the wheels turning at you chapter house.

Behind every lunch, dinner, food order and snack there are kitchen staff behind the scenes making sure our brothers are fed and happy.
Every mopped floor, wiped counter, and clean bathroom has a cleaning crew behind it making sure the common space is enjoyable.
Each time a toilet is clogged, a dryer breaks or a window cracks there is a handyman that comes to make the repair.
Move-ins, work orders, local house corporation meetings and building walk throughs happen because there is a house director there to care for the men.
Every fresh cut lawn, trimmed hedge or leaf blown patio has a lawn care professional there to tackle the task.
When service issues are reported, rent is paid on time, and relationship are built, a brother, just like you, is to thank.

The Pi Kappa Phi Properties teams wants to extend our sincerest thanks to all of the people in our village for doing their best to make the chapter house experience the best experience possible. The housed chapter experience would not be possible without the care, support, and hard work our house directors, kitchen staffs, cleaning companies, handymen, lawn care professionals and our members put into it.
Properties exists to enhance the fraternity experience by providing a place for brotherhood and these staff members, vendors, and our members make that possible.
People say it takes a village and we are so thankful for our village.